This PSF exercise responds to the January 2021 request from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the support of the PSF in relation to four topics:
1. Topic 1: Set up of a comprehensive policy for the governance and effective management of the public RIs. Ukrainian authorities expect recommendations on the most efficient and suitable RIs governance and management system for Ukraine and guidelines for developing a national RIs roadmap, in accordance with the current practices in the EU.
2. Topic 2: Recommendations on effective and efficient funding system for RIs. Ukraine has cumbersome labyrinth of RIs with outdated infrastructure and too small state budget to fund them properly. They are also very diverse and have different legal and funding regimes. The Ukrainian authorities expect as an outcome from the PSF exercise an assessment of the public RIs funding system and recommendations about the most appropriate ways to improve it and implement the changes, taking into account the best international practice.
3. Topic 3: Introduction of Open Science in RIs, including FAIR principles. Currently none of the Ukrainian RIs operates based on Open Science when dealing with other research institutions or HEIs. There is no open access to data or data management plan, and overall lack of information on available RIs. The Ukrainian authorities expect from the PSF panel advices on the necessary steps to introduce Open Science concept in RIs.
4. Topic 4: International integration of RIs. As such Ukraine does not have any systemic policy dedicated to international integration of Ukrainian RIs, especially with their European counterparts and ERICs. The Ukrainian authorities expect from the PSF panel advices on the necessary to integrate Ukrainian RIs into European RIs communities. In particular, Ukrainian authorities are interested in enabling Ukrainian researchers to use cutting-edge RIs located in the EU, and vice versa enabling European researchers to use Ukrainian RIs.
The PSF for Ukraine will start with a kick-off in June 2024 and will run for the rest of 2024. The team involves a panel of five independent experts as well as additional support experts. Experts from EFIS Centre contributed to this exercise in the roles of Analytic Support Expert and Senior Expert for Quality Review.
* This Policy Support Facility (PSF) exercise was originally planned to start in early 2022. However, it was paused and then suspended due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It was restarted in April 2024.