PSF Open Greece

Following the PSF Country review of the 28 Greek national research infrastructures (RIs), carried out between December 2021 and October 2022, the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments requested support of the PS in implementing specific recommendations.

European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation provided a positive reply to this request and agreed on a PSF OPEN aiming at providing external expert support to define “implementation plans” for the following three PSF recommendations:
1. Development of a general framework for performance-based funding of RIs.
2. Development of a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that reflect the role of RIs in the national R&D system, and a methodology for their implementation.
3. Guidelines for Open Science and Digitisation around which NRIs should further develop their data policies and connect with national and European research data platforms.

EFIS Centre is managing this PSF Country assignment and has brought a panel with three experts into the team plus Support Expert and Quality Assurance.

About the project





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