FUTURESILIENCE – Creating future societal resilience through innovative, science-based co-creation labs

EFIS Centre is the coordinator of the FUTURESILIENCE project “Creating FUTUre societal RESILIENCE through innovative, science-based co-creation labs” (Coordination and Support Action funded under Horizon Europe HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-32). The FUTURESILIENCE project aims to strengthen European economic and social resilience through an enhanced ability to quickly respond to future crises.

The project has four specific objectives:

  1. Map existing policy relevant European R&I findings with high potential to inform policy making for economic and social resilience, and to help address societal challenges at local level
  2. Define a set of methodologies for testing in how far the identified R&I findings can inform policies addressing national, regional and local needs
  3. Implement the testing methodologies through multi-stakeholder experiments across Europe in co-creation with stakeholders from research, policy, economy, civil society organisations as well as citizens
  4. Develop a Knowledge Base of the successfully tested research findings with high capacity to inform policy actors and a Toolbox of methods for testing policy relevant research findings

The project will have a dedicated experimentation phase consisting of facilitating the fast and effective use of policy relevant research and innovation (R&I) findings through 10 pilot cases called ‘Future Resilience Labs’. We will start with three pre-identified set of cases are from the Municipality of Murcia, the Municipality of Chios (with a wider application to the North Aegean region) and the Bulgarian Association for Personalised Medicine. These cases cover topics such as inadequacy of urban structure with respect to climate change; the impact of the migration crisis on resilience to climate change in island environments; and a new health care model.
In addition, the FUTURESILIENCE project will use a cascade funding mechanism to support further seven pilot cases that will work with the proposed approach and tackle different sort of challenges. Thereby, the project will help shed light on the future risks that Europe may face and uncover vulnerabilities as part of the foresight work undertaken on the different cases.

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The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094455.

About the project





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