ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, is a strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach.
One of the topics on their current agenda is impact assessment of research infrastructures (RIs). It became part of the ESFRI workplan 2022-23 also in line with recommendations of the “New European Research (ERA) stakeholder conference” organised by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU* outlined in the summary conference report in 2021:
• Recommendation 2: “In order to have access to multiple funding sources, RIs need to demonstrate a broad impact, thus increasing the overall recognition of the importance of RIs. This will enable them to be prioritised by more than just ministries responsible for research, but supported by various ministries, e.g of Economy, Innovation, Environment and Finance.”
• Recommendation 8: “Impact assessment is key for the long-term sustainability of RIs, and several have proceeded with their impact assessments over the past years. ESFRI or the EC should review these studies in order to collect best practice approaches and evidence on the benefits of the RIs to society, environmental impact, both positive and negative, as well as the impacts on the EU, national/regional level, if available.”
In 2022 ESFRI established a Working Group to prepare a paper on impacts assessment of research infrastructures from an ESFRI perspective. This is done in collaboration with experts in the field and through consultation of relevant stakeholders as well as projects and ESFRI landmarks concerned with impact assessment. EFIS Centre Research Director, Jelena Angelis, was appointed by the European Commission’s DG RTD as an external expert to this Working Group.
To learn more about the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU conference and read the summary report New European Research Area – Towards a Responsible Knowledge Driven Society of the 3rd Millenium”, November 2021, please visit: